Ideal Customer Pursuit Strategy

What is your company’s Ideal Customer Profile?

Data analytics has enabled businesses to create their Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) to pursue organizational efficiencies and obtain heightened profitability from a hyper-focus on the accounts that are a “great fit” to the business. It’s now possible to understand your customers so well that an organization can began to tailor corporate strategies to maximize internal resources and align sales/marketing activities on the right accounts to reduce churn and improve sales conversion rates.

ICP engine’s “Active/Passive Strategy” suggest that decision makers take a programmatic approach to pursuing prospective customers. With the understanding that not all accounts are a “great fit,” ICP engine empowers its customers to pursue highly relevant prospective customers. Prospects that are within a close range of your business’ Ideal Customer Profile, and/or your predefined “strategic accounts” list, should receive the bulk of your sales and marketing recourse. The approach for these prospects should typically be a full-on sales and marketing effort––“Active Pursuit Strategy.”

We suggest taking a “Passive Pursuit Strategy” for prospects who are not a “strategic win” for your organization and/or don’t fall within a pre-defined Ideal Customer Profile range. These prospects have a low ICP Match and low propensity to yield high profits to your organization. The time and energy spent on these accounts can be better used on accounts that have a high ICP Match. Your sales and marketing teams may not see a high Return on Investment (ROI) from their strategic effort of thought, resources, and time to turn the low profit prospective customer as they should with accounts that have a close ICP match. So we suggest reducing efforts on these accounts to the minimum needed to ensure a positive experience for the prospect.

Organization’s often mislabel accounts, that are seemingly undesirable, as “SMB.” In reality, many of these accounts might be a “great fit” customer and eventually become a highly profitable one. Identifying and engaging in an “Active Pursuit Strategy” with these accounts can help businesses reach their sales goals.

Coming Soon: “ICP Match”

ICP engine is currently working on “ICP Match” to enhance our customers’ ability to spot high-value accounts and drive profit margin.
Take the first steps toward discovering your high-value Accounts by requesting a free and customized Ideal Customer Profile.