Find your Ideal Customer Profile. Focus on High Value Accounts. Win Profitable Business.

Enhanced Account Based Marketing

ICP engine can help businesses realize the full benefits of ABM by providing a common missing piece- identification and selection of high-value accounts.

Ideal Customer Pursuit Strategy

Data analytics has enabled businesses to create their Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) to pursue organizational efficiencies and obtain heightened profitability.

Data Analytics: Uncovering your Ideal Customer Profile

What is an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)?

An Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) is the quintessential description of a business’ core customer base and provides a tool for strategic decision making most naturally utilized in sales and marketing. Beyond this, an Ideal Customer Profile may help organizations create policy through revealing high-value accounts and improve strategic position with its’ core account base.

Sales Accleration & Resource Allocation

Sales and marketing teams can sometimes focus on the “wrong accounts.” The result can be missed opportunity. When businesses clearly identify high-value accounts, they can more effectively utilize resources and improve organizational alignment. An Ideal Customer Profile can help businesses target high-value accounts–leading to a higher return on sales and marketing efforts.

Data to Information

Everyday 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created, by tapping into this potential a business can now understand it’s customers and prospects from a new perspective. ICP engine utilizes CRM and external account data to give your team a new way to see accounts. Consider creating a customized Ideal Customer Profile to get more information out of your data.

What is your Company’s Ideal Customer Profile?

Create your Ideal Customer Profile

We are now accepting a limited number of beta users. Our data analyst will tell the story of your ideal customer by analyzing your CRM data—appended with external account characteristics. Some common account characteristics we consider are:

  • Yearly sales volume
  • Number of employees
  • Location
  • Industry classification
  • Role of key contact
  • Custom account criteria:
       e.g., type of CRM software used, # of servers, & other customer
       characteristics important to your business.

If your company does not have account characteristics or firmographic data on your customers, don’t worry you’re not alone! We can help you put together an action plan to capture the data necessary for discovering your Ideal Customer Profile and finding your high-value accounts.

ICP engine enlists the power of statistical data analysis and unique methodologies for the creation of your Ideal Customer Profile. Reach out to us to disover how a data-driven ICP can drive better results for your ABM
initiative and corporate strategy.

Get In Touch

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and we will respond as soon as possible.